
Our Philosophy

We believe that children are fully gifted by G-D with all the physical, emotional and intellectual tools necessary for their own growth and development.  It is our task to tap into their embedded treasure, polish them and nurture them into becoming flourishing and blossoming human beings.  As educators we also grow and learn every day from the precious gems that our children offer us.  The Torah teaches: ‘Educate each child according to His way’ (Proverbs 22;6).  This informs our belief that every child has a unique learning language.  It is not at all about teaching skills and strengths that the child does not yet have, it is about finding what it already has and developing it.

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About Us

Serving the needs of the local community since 1988, Shaloh House Chabad is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care. Our classrooms are all high quality, developmentally appropriate and fun places for children to fall in love with yiddishkeit and learning!  

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