

>>  The Shaloh Hebrew Circle 

The Shaloh Hebrew Circle offers an outstanding program that will give your child a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Judaism, and will instill in your child the pride, beauty and values of our heritage. 

We believe that it is important that every child has a strong foundation in Jewish knowledge; that he/she has a sense of love and pride for Judaism, and that he/she is able to strongly identify him/herself with Judaism. 

  • At Shaloh House we put strong emphasis on hands-on experience, combining it with fun and competition, so that children can appreciate the richness of their lives.  
  • This is the place children learn and create, where children draw and build, where children sing and dance.
  • We strive to give individual attention to each child; to allow each child to grow and advance.
  • Our goal is that each child will love to be Jewish and be proud of it.

Sessions are held on Sunday morning’s 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, except on Jewish and secular holidays.


Our tuition is very reasonable. The full tuition is $1000.00, of which $50.00 is payable upon registration and the remaining tuition can be paid in four convenient installments.