Happy Chanukah!
Join us for Chanukah at
Shaloh House Chabad

Rabbi's Message
Dear Friend,

Join us for Chanukah 2024!

Chanukah is coming, and we want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy and inspiring eight-day Festival of Lights!

Happy Chanukah!

—Rabbi Mendel & Chana Gurkow

P.S. Reading and sharing is great, but the most important thing do is to light the menorah. Click here for a full guide with all of the information you need to fulfill this mitzvah.

P.P.S. Be sure to check out our Chanukah event directory. Chances are there is a Chanukah event near you. Click here to search now.

Chanukah Car Parade
Join us as we parade through town with menorahs on out cars publicizing the Chanukah miracle!
Car Parade (650x245) 

Car Parade
Night 1 // Wednesday, December 25

Join us for  a Chanukah Car Parade starting at Shaloh House Chabad and parading through Stoughton!

Chanukah Car Parade: 4:30 pm Starting at Shaloh House

Gelt hunt and large draidle at Faxon Memorial Park

We are Jews, and we are proud!

Buy your own car menorah or borrow one from Shaloh House Chabad.


Nightly Public Menorah Lighting

Date: Dec. 25- Jan 1
Every night of Chanukah

We light the Cobb Corner Menorah every night at 6:00 (except on Friday at 3:30)


For more info, contact the office.

781-344-6334 [email protected]


Menorah Lighting at the South Shore Plaza

South Shore Plaza 
SUNDAY, December 29// Day 4 // 3:00PM

250 Granite Street, Braintree, MA 02184
Across from the Apple store

Live Music! Chocolate Gelt! Chanukah crafts! Balloons!



Menorah lighting at Stoughton Center


Stoughton Center near Town Hall under the billboard

THURSDAY, December 26 // NIGHT 2 // 5:00PM


Menorah Lighting at the Village Shoppes

N. Easton Village Shoppes

Tuesday, December 31 // NIGHT 7 // 5:00PM

Rt 138 & Main Street

Hot Latkes & Donuts! Lively Music! Chocolate Gelt! 



Want Your Own Menorah?
Drop by at Shaloh House Chabad to pick up your own Menorah and box of candles to light every night of Chanukah! 


Shaloh House Chabad

Chanukah How-To
Not sure whether it's set up left to right or right to left or whether it's lit right to left or left to right?

We can help!

Check out our tutorial here: www.shalohhouse.com/chanukah