Chanukah is coming, and we want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy and inspiring eight-day Festival of Lights!
Happy Chanukah!
—Rabbi Mendel & Chana Gurkow
P.S. Reading and sharing is great, but the most important thing do is to light the menorah.Click here for a full guide with all of the information you need to fulfill this mitzvah.
P.P.S. Be sure to check out our Chanukah event directory. Chances are there is a Chanukah event near you.Click here to search now.
Chanukah Car Parade
Join us as we parade through town with menorahs on out cars publicizing the Chanukah miracle!
Car Parade
Night 1 // Wednesday, December 25
Join us for a Chanukah Car Parade starting at Shaloh House Chabad and parading through Stoughton!
Chanukah Car Parade: 4:30 pm Starting at Shaloh House
Gelt hunt and large draidle at Faxon Memorial Park